AppsApril#8 DBCam

Today I played with DBCam – Double Camera.  have to admit that it took me a bit to work out what it was doing!! Der …

Here’s the camera screen


Anyway, the story is … when you click the ‘camera’ button the app takes a shot of both sides of the phone.  Next time you click the camera button it starts when it finished the time before.  So, what I finally worked out is that if i didn’t want to be in every photo (first or second image), I needed to stand to one side.

Some clever effects, a novelty app, probably not my ‘top of the pops’!!

Some examples …

That’s it for today, enjoy DBCam and hopefully I will see you tomorrow!

Thanks for coming over!


By Karen Cornelius

I'm Karen, an a avid photographer with broad interests. I particularly love to get in close, so you'll see a lot of macros shots. I am known for my crisp images, you'll see it across my range of work. Have camera .. will click!!

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